Education Foundation

Right now, a student is having a learning experience made better by the work that we do.
Investing in education now to impact our future.
One teacher can inspire the lives of many.
Innovation in and outside of the classroom.
Enhancing the quality of education for all.

The Leesburg Books-A-Million book drive collected over $2,800 worth books for the Educational Foundation’s Apple-Mart stores. These books will be donated to our Apple-Mart stores where Lake County teachers shop for free! Each teacher visiting will be able to pick out 3 books for their classroom library.

There are currently three Apple-Mart Stores located in Leesburg, Mascotte and Mount Dora.  Set up as a retail store, Apple-Mart’s inventory is available to teachers in the Lake County Florida School District at no charge. Lake County has forty-four schools and principals receive passes to Apple-Mart that can be used as a tool for reward and incentive and all first year teachers in the district have access to the store once a month. Apple-Mart is currently open on Wednesdays from 3pm – 6pm.