Education Foundation

Right now, a student is having a learning experience made better by the work that we do.
Investing in education now to impact our future.
One teacher can inspire the lives of many.
Innovation in and outside of the classroom.
Enhancing the quality of education for all.

The Educational Foundation of Lake County received a generous donation from the Amvets Post 1992 Ladies Auxiliary of Mount Dora to provide new American Flags for seven Lake County Schools. The schools include Lake Technical College, East Ridge Middle School, Lake Minneola High School, Round Lake Elementary, Lake Hills School and Umatilla High School.

On April 23rd, 2018 a Flag Ceremony was held at Lake Technical College  to honor the new American flag. The retired flag was respectfully removed and folded by two Vietnam veterans – Edward Bertucci and Barry Fredericks. Attending the ceremony were two Navy veterans, Mark Crenshaw and Russell Darst. Audra Dick, representing the Educational Foundation of Lake County, Diane Culpepper, representing Lake Tech and Mary Conley, representing Post 1992 Ladies Auxiliary. Also attending (and taking the photo) was Michael D. Rowlett P.I.O. of Post 1992.