Education Foundation

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LHS Construction Academy picnic table at MDHS

Mount Dora High School (MDHS) students now have more places to be socially distant during lunch thanks to the Leesburg High School (LHS) Construction Academy and some generous community sponsors.

The LHS students built five picnic tables which now are in the MDHS courtyard.

The tables, which cost $280 each to build, were underwritten by the Artisan Laser Guild, Red Apples Media, Scott’s Roofing, Seabrook Family Trust and Vann Gannaway Chevrolet.

Each table is adorned with a small plaque engraved with a sponsor’s name.

“This project is a win-win in that it provided Leesburg High School students with a chance to practice their skills while giving Mount Dora High School students a place to comfortably and safely gather,” said Carman Cullen, Executive Director of the Education Foundation of Lake County. “Having community sponsors fund the supplies needed to build the tables is a plus for this project.”