Students at South Lake High School, Umatilla High School and Leesburg High School will benefit from a statewide grant from the AT&T Foundation this year, one that seeks to increase understanding of how classroom curriculum translates into STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers.
South Lake High School’s project, “EKG Technician Industry Certification Launch,” will train students so they can achieve certification to become an Electrocardiograph Technician. The students will have virtual sessions with a nurse educator from South Lake Hospital to supplement training from their school instructor.
Umatilla High School’s project, “Soaring to the Clouds,” involves weekly meetings at the Umatilla Municipal Airport where EAA Chapter 1632 members work alongside the students to assemble airplane. Additionally, students are receiving classroom instruction to prepare for the FAA Flight Simulator certification exam.
Leesburg High School’s project, the March 2021 “Lunar Festival,” will involve multiple STEM stations where students will facilitate rocketry, solar energy, STEM chemistry and toy design using a 3D printer at the stations. The event is intended to bridge families and schools by providing hands-on learning activities that supports the instructional goals of STEM with a 21st Century real world application.
The Education Foundation of Lake County received the funding for the STEM@Work programs through its partnership with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
To read the news release, please click here.
For more information about the AT&T Foundation’s partnership with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations, please watch this video.