LEESBURG – Shannon Clark, a fourth grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher at Eustis Heights Elementary, is the 2022 Lake County Schools Teacher of the Year.
Clark, a Mount Dora resident who has been teaching for seven years, was announced the winner at tonight’s Teacher of the Year celebration, hosted by the Education Foundation of Lake County and presented by Duke Energy, Ernie Morris Enterprises and Jenkins Auto Group.
Clark was named the winner by a panel of judges from outside the district, who reviewed her application, interviewed administrators and peers and observed her in the classroom.
In addition to demonstrating student performance gains, Clark is often used as a model for first-year and teacher teams. In her application, Clark said her classroom has been visited by educators who observed her whole-group instruction and small-group remediation, as well as how she collaborates with other teachers.
Clark wrote in her application about her teaching students in a Title 1 school, “Their learning inspires me. No matter if it’s increasing their words per minute or hearing them read with expression. I love to see their smiles after they’ve passed a test or achieved a higher grade on a retest. I love sharing in their sense of accomplishment.”
Read the news release here.