The elves are busy at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Water Park putting the finishing touches on a holiday experience for kids of all ages to enjoy. The resort is offering a special discount for Lake County Schools teachers and students to enjoy Mission: Save Christmas featuring Elf which features the famous department store from the popular movie – just as Buddy decorated it – complete with a cityscape encircled by a holiday train and a giant floor piano where families can create their own Christmas tune by dancing on oversized keys. It’s part of the holiday fun that begins Nov. 19 and continues through Jan. 2.
Use the code LAKE to save $5 on tickets to the winter wonderland. Blackout dates apply.
Plus, for every Mission: Save Christmas featuring Elf ticket purchase with the promo code LAKE, $1 will be donated to the Education Foundation of Lake County.
Flyers with information have been distributed to all Lake County Schools. Or visit ChristmasatGaylordPalms.com.