Education Foundation

Right now, a student is having a learning experience made better by the work that we do.
Investing in education now to impact our future.
One teacher can inspire the lives of many.
Innovation in and outside of the classroom.
Enhancing the quality of education for all.

The Red for Ed campaign wrapped up it’s annual school supply drive in Wooton Park on Monday, August 6th with the traditional Weigh-In Event. $8,000 in donations and 5,391 pounds of school supplies and canned goods were collected throughout the entire month of July for the teachers and students of Lake County.

These funds, school supplies, and canned goods were secured through multiple events including Collier Financial Group’s Shred for ED, Perio Joe’s Dental Office Bowling Tournament, and Cornerstone Hospice’s Healthcare Industry Networking Event.

“It’s our goal that each student who is in need will start the new school year with the essential supplies to help them be successful while supplementing our schools’ food pantries,”  Carman Cullen-Batt says, Executive Director of the Educational Foundation. “This year’s drive was our largest year yet with over 120 local businesses participating!” says Cullen.

The business that raised the most supplies was WQBQ 1410 AM Radio The Q, bringing in 1,566 pounds of school supplies and canned goods. The Q also aired the two-hour event live on broadcast, interviewing and promoting the local businesses that attended the event.

Red for Ed is a colossal, collaborative initiative between THAT! Company, the Educational Foundation of Lake County, plus a multitude of local chambers, clubs and businesses. The Red for Ed initiative aims to ‘paint the county red’ to raise awareness about the critical need of our local students for the most basic items of food and school supplies. Over 62% of the Lake County School District’s student population lives at or below poverty level. The Student Services Department reports there are 1,946 homeless students.

The Educational Foundation is a non-for-profit organization that is the direct support organization for Lake County Public Schools. Our mission is to serve as the connection between our community and public education, evaluating needs and securing resources to enhance the quality of education. We are a member of the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.