Education Foundation

Right now, a student is having a learning experience made better by the work that we do.
Investing in education now to impact our future.
One teacher can inspire the lives of many.
Innovation in and outside of the classroom.
Enhancing the quality of education for all.
The winners from Stepping Out for Education are as follows:

Friday Night Top Male Performer: Frank Remsen
Friday Night Top Female Performer: Kirsten Nolan
Friday Night Audience Choice: Frank Remsen
Saturday Night Top Male Performer: Mike Randolph
Saturday Night Top Female Performer: Kasey Hobbs
Saturday Night Audience Choice: Kirsten Nolan
Overall Audience Choice Mirror Ball Winner: Frank Remsen

The Educational Foundation of Lake County prides ourselves with being transparent in all affairs of the Foundation. We have uncovered that we interpreted the Supervisor of Election report for the Audience Choice Winner for the Mirror Ball on Saturday night incorrectly.
The winner was Kirsten Cook Nolan from Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute. Our sincere apology goes out to Kirsten and her fans.