Education Foundation

Right now, a student is having a learning experience made better by the work that we do.
Investing in education now to impact our future.
One teacher can inspire the lives of many.
Innovation in and outside of the classroom.
Enhancing the quality of education for all.
Umatilla Elementary rocket launch

Congratulations to the Umatilla Elementary School fifth graders who participated in the 23rd Annual Rocket Launch. Every student-made rocket touched the sky.

The entire school gathered outside to watch the exciting event. The students developed their rockets using a 3D printer that was purchased with an Education Foundation STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics). grant funded in partnership with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.

https://lake.k12.fl.usWe appreciate the local legislative delegation and generous donors who help make it possible for Lake County Schools students to realize their career potential.